Food Integrity Global 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

10th - 11th September

Declan Ferguson

Declan Ferguson

Research & Development, Technical & Sustainability Director


Finnebrogue logo
Panel Discussion

9.30 – 10.15 am

Clean Label

A Trojan Horse for food waste?

As consumers demand manufacturers shift to clean labels in their products, do we run the risk of creating more food waste, as key preservatives are omitted? How do we communicate the science of ingredients to consumers in a more effective way?

Jaclyn Bowen with Clean Label Project logo
Jaclyn Bowen

Executive Director
Clean Label Project

Lisette Brouwers with Fairtrade Original logo
Lisette Brouwers

Product Manager – Food
Fairtrade Original

Declan Ferguson Finnebrogue logo
Declan Ferguson

Research & Development, Technical & Sustainability Director

Pieter Paul Lamers with Kerry logo
Pieter Paul Lamers

Vice President of New Business Development

Kate Halliwell with FDF - Food & Drink Federation logo
Moderator: Kate Halliwell

Chief Science Officer
Food and Drink Federation