Food Integrity Global 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

10th - 11th September

10th September

11th September

Day 1

10th September

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Opening Keynote

9.00 – 9.30 am

Is our food the safest it’s ever been?

Embark on a journey of insight and foresight with our keynote address, kicking off Food Integrity Global 2024.  

This annual session serves as a compass for the audience, assessing current threats, and projecting challenges on the horizon. Our keynote speaker will set the tone for Food Integrity Global 2024 and ensure that you are well-equipped to deal with the increasingly turbulent conditions surrounding our sector, whether it’s increasingly strained supply chains thanks to geopolitical tensions, a lack of progress in reducing the burden of foodborne illness, or wondering how we will feed an extra two billion people by 2050.  

Darin Detwiler with Detwiler and Northeastern University logos
Dr. Darin Detwiler

Assistant Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs at Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies in Boston, MA

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Panel Discussion

9.30 – 10.20 am

Emerging Food Safety Threats

This expert panel reveals the most concerning food safety threats they see coming over the horizon in 2025 and beyond. Our Panel will explore potential challenges and emerging risks posed by global environmental changes, biotechnology advancements, and shifts in consumer behaviours. The debate will delve into how these factors might influence food contamination, disease outbreaks, and supply chain vulnerabilities. Panellists will also examine the readiness of current food safety systems to adapt and respond to these future threats, offering insights into proactive strategies and innovations required to safeguard food integrity in the years to come. 

Roberto Buttini with blue Barilla logo
Roberto Buttini

Vice President Global Quality & Food Safety and R&D Strategy, Barilla

Sarah Jeromson with Walmart logo
Sarah Jeromson

Senior Manager Food Safety and Quality, Walmart

Adeniyi Odugbemi

Global Director of Food Safety, ADM

10.20 – 10.50 am

Coffee Break

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Panel Discussion

10.50 – 11.35 am

Sustainability and Food Safety

Friends or foes?

As we strive for greater sustainability in our food system, do we run the risk of relegating food safety to a secondary concern? Our panel explores the potential risks that might come with a greener food system. 

Sam Fulton with Nomad Foods logo
Sam Fulton

Global Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Director, Nomad Foods

Abigail Stevenson with Mars logo
Abigail Stevenson

Chief Science Officer, Mars

Andrew Swift with Fera logo
Dr. Andrew Swift

Chief Executive Officer, Fera

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Fireside Chat

11.35 – 11.55 am

Revolutionising Supply Chains with Tech

From Farm to Fork

In the modern era of supply chain management, technology plays a pivotal role in transforming transparency and traceability across the entire supply chain. This session delves into how AI and other technological advancements are revolutionising supply chains by providing real-time data and insights, fostering collaboration, and ensuring compliance with global food safety standards.

  • Traceability and Transparency: Discussion on the role of technology and AI in achieving traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain. 
  • Collaboration and Compliance: Strategies for fostering collaboration across the supply chain and ensuring compliance with global food safety standards through technology. 
  • Data Sharing: How networks are transforming the way the supply chain shares and consumes data 
  • Sustainability: Adopting technology to align ESG initiatives with 360 supplier performance data, ensuring sustainable and ethical sourcing practices. 
  • Proactive Risk Management: Leveraging digital horizon scanning tools to identify emerging risks early, enabling proactive strategies to mitigate risk. 
  • Success Stories: Sharing real-world success stories of companies that have effectively implemented food safety technologies within their supply chains. 
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Fireside Chat

11.55 – 12.15 pm

AI for Enhanced Food Safety

Opportunities and Challenges

Predictive Analytics: Discover how AI-powered models predict potential contamination and food safety breaches before they occur, enabling proactive measures. 

Supply Chain Optimization: Learn about AI’s role in enhancing the efficiency and safety of the supply chain, including real-time monitoring and risk assessment. 

Traceability and Transparency: Understand how AI contributes to greater traceability in food production, helping to quickly trace sources of contamination. 

Quality Control: See how AI technologies automate the inspection process, ensuring consistent product quality and safety. 

Challenges and Solutions: Discuss the challenges in implementing AI in food safety, including data privacy, ethical considerations, and the need for robust infrastructure. 

12.15 – 1.15 pm

Lunch Break

Panel Discussion

1.15 – 1.35 pm

Advancing food allergen awareness

Best practices for safety and compliance

Join our expert panel for an insightful session on food allergen safety, where they will explore the latest developments and best practices in allergen awareness and compliance. This session will provide valuable information for those dedicated to enhancing food safety and protecting individuals with food allergies, and will offer insight into understanding cross-contamination risks, implementing effective labelling strategies and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Ruchi Gupta with CFAAR logo
Ruchi Gupta

Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research

Margaret Kelman with AllergyUK logo
Margaret Kelman

Specialist Allergy Nurse
Allergy UK

Sung Poblete with FARE logo
Sung Poblet

Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)

Liljia Polo-Richards with Allergy Companions logo
Liljia Polo-Richards

Founder and Director
Allergy Companions

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Imprint Analytics logo
Panel Discussion

1.35 – 2.15 pm

Unmasking Food Fraud

A Panel Debate on Detection, Prevention and Enforcement

In this compelling panel debate, experts from across the food industry spectrum come together to tackle the multifaceted issue of food fraud. As a growing concern for consumers, regulators, and businesses alike, food fraud poses significant risks to public health, economic integrity, and brand trust. This session aims to dissect the current landscape of food fraud, exploring innovative strategies for detection, prevention, and enforcement. 

David Psomiadis with Imprint Analytics logo
David Psomiadis

CEO, Imprint Analytics GmbH

Raquel Medeiros with Nestle logo
Raquel Medeiros

Head of Food Safety - Chemical Contaminants and Packaging, Nestle

Saskia Vanruth with UCD Dublin logo
Professor Saskia van Ruth

Professor of Food Supply Chain Integrity, University College Dublin

Marks and Spencer (M&S) logo

Marks & Spencer

Panel Discussion

2.15 – 2.45 pm

Cultured Meat

Future or Fad?

This panel will critically examine the role of cultured meat in the future of food. Experts will discuss the viability, sustainability, and ethical considerations of lab-grown meat as a potential solution to meet global food demands. They will explore whether cultured meat is a sustainable trend or a temporary fad. The debate will also touch on consumer acceptance, regulatory challenges, and the potential impact on traditional meat industries. This session aims to provide a balanced perspective on the feasibility and future prospects of cultured meat in our food systems.

Carlotte Lucas with GFI Europe logo
Carlotte Lucas

Senior Corporate Engagement Manager, GFI Europe

Robert Jones with Mosa Meat logo
Robert Jones

Vice-President, Global Public Affairs, Mosa Meat

Rebecca Sudworth with FSA logo
Rebecca Sudworth

Director of Policy, Food Standards Agency

Caroline Wilschut with Meatable logo
Caroline Wilschut

Chief Commercial Officer at Meatable

2.45 – 3.15 pm

Coffee Break

Panel Discussion

3.15 – 3.55 pm

Innovating for Safety

The Frontier of R&D in Food Safety Technologies

Emerging Technologies: Explore cutting-edge technologies being developed for food safety, including nanotechnology, biosensors, and next-generation sequencing. Understand how these technologies can revolutionize the detection of pathogens, allergens, and contaminants. 

Sustainable Solutions: Discuss the integration of sustainability into food safety R&D, focusing on eco-friendly packaging materials, waste reduction techniques, and energy-efficient safety processes. 

Collaborative Efforts: Learn about the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration in accelerating innovation, including partnerships between academia, industry, and government agencies. 

Regulatory Considerations: Examine the regulatory landscape surrounding new food safety technologies. Understand the process of validation, approval, and adoption of new solutions within existing regulatory frameworks.

Elvira Domingo with EIT Food logo
Elvira Domingo

Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) Programme Manager
EIT Food

Lee Reece with Kraft Heinz Company logo
Lee Reece

Global FSQ Technical Excellence Lead
Kraft Heinz Company

Panel Discussion

3.55 – 4.35 pm

Beyond the Price Tag

Unpacking the Retail Price Bubble in Food Safety

Economic Analysis: An in-depth look at how food safety regulations and practices impact the cost structure of food production and, subsequently, retail prices. 

Consumer Expectations vs. Reality: Discussing the gap between consumer expectations for food safety and the economic realities of meeting these standards. How does this gap influence pricing strategies? 

Case Study: The Milk Market: Examining milk as a case study to understand how safety measures, from farm management to processing and packaging, contribute to its retail price. 

Sustainability and Ethics: Considering the ethical and sustainability questions tied to pricing. Can higher prices be justified if they ensure safer, more sustainable food production practices? 

Global Perspective: A comparative analysis of how different regions manage the balance between food safety, cost, and retail pricing. What lessons can be learned from global practices? 

Clive Black with Shore Capital logo
Clive Black

Shore Capital

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Case Study

4.35 – 5.00 pm

Challenges and opportunities

For the future of the food sector

Join Pilgrims Europe’s Director for Research and Development for a case study session, during which she will provide those in attendance with exclusive insight into the business’s approach to R&D and will discuss how research is translated into action at a commercial scale.

Anne Richmond with Moy Park logo
Anne Richmond

Head of Research & Development
Moy Park

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5.00 – 5.10 pm

Keynote Reflection

Darin Detwiler with Detwiler and Northeastern University logos
Dr. Darin Detwiler

Assistant Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs at Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies in Boston, MA

5.10 – 6.00 pm

Networking Drinks – Expo

7.00 pm

Awards Reception