Food Integrity Global 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

10th - 11th September

Herman Diricks

Herman Diricks


Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain
(FAVV-AFSCA/ Belgian Food Safety Agency)

Herman Diricks is currently Chief Executive Officer of the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC). The FASFC is an executive body, which has jurisdiction over the entire territory and is responsible for laying down, implementing and enforcing measures related to food safety, animal health and plant protection.

Trained as a bioscience engineer, Herman Diricks has been working in the areas of Public Health, Food and Feed safety and technology since 1984.
After a brief stint as a scientific associate at the VUB, he joined the Ministry of Agriculture in 1986 where he spent 4 years working in the areas of pesticides, fertilisers and genetically modified organisms.
Herman Diricks then went on to start a new IT service introducing modern IT technologies in the Department of Agriculture, after which he became head of the IT department of the Ministry of Agriculture.

From 1999 to 2000, he worked as an advisor, first to the Secretary-general, then to the Minister of Agriculture, where he advised on general policy matters and on food safety. Between 2000 and 2002, Mr. Diricks was an independent consultant in the fields of food safety, quality and administrative reorganisation.

In 2002, he joined the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain as Director-general of the Corporate Services where he was in charge of human resources, ICT services, budgeting, logistics and the legal department. In this capacity, he was responsible for the administrative foundations and financing policy of the newly founded agency.

Between 2006 and May 1st of 2014, Herman Diricks occupied the post of Director-general Control Policy and was responsible for the policy on control measures and programmes aimed at protecting the health of humans, animals and plants. Furthermore, DG Control Policy maintains international relations regarding the aforementioned areas and drafts Belgian regulations on process hygiene criteria and animal and plant health. It also deals with sector organisations and cooperates with DG Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE, working groups and Standing Committee) and other Member States.


3.35 – 4.15 pm


How do we get better at harmonising food safety standards?

While stringent standards are vital for a secure food system, the variability of regulations across countries poses challenges. Join experts in a nuanced discussion on the feasibility and benefits of international standardisation for a more secure supply chain.  

Delve into the complexities surrounding harmonising food safety measures globally, considering the diverse socio-economic landscapes. Attendees will gain insights into the potential advantages and pitfalls of creating a unified framework, ultimately aiming for a comprehensive understanding of the path towards a secure and standardised global food system. 

Simona Antonella Lamorte with ICQRF logo
Simona Antonella Lamorte

Central Inspectorate for Quality Protection and Repression of Fraud in Agri-food Products
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Herman Diricks with FASFC logo
Herman Diricks

Belgian Food Safety Agency

Giulia Innocenzi with Ferrero logo
Giulia Innocenzi

Public Affairs Food Safety & Access to Market Manager

Steven Mandernach with Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) logo
Steven Mandernach

Executive Director
Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO)