Food Integrity Global 2024


The Steigenberger Airport Hotel Amsterdam

10th - 11th September

Simona Antonella Lamorte

Simona Antonella Lamorte

Central Inspectorate for Quality Protection and Repression of Fraud in Agri-food Products

Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

ICQRF logo

Dr. Simona Antonella LAMORTE works at the Department of the Central Inspectorate for the protection of quality and the prevention of fraud in agri-food products (ICQRF) of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests.

She is a food technologist, she has obtained a doctorate in Biotechnology of agri-food products and a second level university master’s degree in international food legislation.

She had worked for some years in the field of harmonization at the International Organization of vine and wine (OIV) in Paris, where she was the responsible for the Methods of Analysis unit.

Since 2011 she has been working for the Italian Ministry of Agriculture: at the General Directorate of international and European Union policies in the field of wine and spirit drinks legislation first and, since 2021, at the ICQRF Department in the field of food legislation and controls in the field of food and agriculture and of the contrast to unfair commercial practices.

She has been participating as a representative of the Italian Administration in management committees and expert groups of the European Commission and in working groups of the EU Council; she coordinated the Italian Delegation to the OIV across 10 years and she participated as scientific delegate in different OIV expert groups. Since 2022 she is President of one OIV Expert Group and member of the Scientific and technical Committee of the OIV.

She is authors of many scientific publications. She has been lecturer for many seminars and she participates as an expert in food legislation in different EU Twinning and TAIEX programs.


3.35 – 4.15 pm


How do we get better at harmonising food safety standards?

While stringent standards are vital for a secure food system, the variability of regulations across countries poses challenges. Join experts in a nuanced discussion on the feasibility and benefits of international standardisation for a more secure supply chain.  

Delve into the complexities surrounding harmonising food safety measures globally, considering the diverse socio-economic landscapes. Attendees will gain insights into the potential advantages and pitfalls of creating a unified framework, ultimately aiming for a comprehensive understanding of the path towards a secure and standardised global food system. 

Simona Antonella Lamorte with ICQRF logo
Simona Antonella Lamorte

Central Inspectorate for Quality Protection and Repression of Fraud in Agri-food Products
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Herman Diricks with FASFC logo
Herman Diricks

Belgian Food Safety Agency

Giulia Innocenzi with Ferrero logo
Giulia Innocenzi

Public Affairs Food Safety & Access to Market Manager

Steven Mandernach with Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) logo
Steven Mandernach

Executive Director
Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO)